Invest: Become a part of the palace club
Mürren Palace Club
How to become a member
Members are all shareholders of Mürren Investment und Management AG and Palace avenir AG. Anyone wishing to become a new member invests CHF 10’000.– in Palace avenir AG and receives 10 shares worth CHF 1000.– each. There is no annual fee.
- 5% discount on room reservations (billing via Palace Club Member)
- Single entry Palace SPA CHF 45.– per person (by appointment only, limited capacity for external guests)
- Annual Palace SPA Abonnement CHF 1200.– per person (by appointment only, limited capacity for external guests)
- Enjoy booked massages in the massage room of the Palace SPA
- Children can use the Palace Kids Club free of charge and by appointment during the defined opening hours
- Annual general meeting & hotel management
- 10% discount on room hire for “Kandahar Lounge” & “Body & Mind Room”
- Annual Mürren Palace Club Ball with ticket price for menu & drinks
- Mürren Palace-Club Newsletter-Mailing

The course has been set for the new Mürren Palace.
There are still three opportunities to invest in the Hotel Mürren Palace
The financing of the renovation of the existing hotel building is secured. However, additional capital is very welcome.
The renovation of the traditional hotel building is being financed by share capital, loans and third-party financing as well as cross-subsidies from profits on the sale of apartments in the new building. And the financing status is very good! Binding commitments for the purchase of 80% of the apartments in the new building have already been received. There is still the opportunity to participate and invest in the new Mürren Palace. On the one hand, the additional funds are to be used to reduce third-party financing. On the other hand, they can be used to realize deferred options.
Option 1
as a shareholder in a shareholder pool,
representing 15% of the investment company’s share capital. The minimum investment in this pool is CHF 10 000 and the maximum CHF 100 000 and is an opportunity to express your own idealistic attachment to the project and the new Mürren Palace with a smaller amount. This offer is aimed at locals, second-home owners and hotel enthusiasts who want to support the efforts to reopen the hotel and contribute to the shareholder pool as a stable force in the shareholder base. The annual general meeting of the shareholder pool with information on the course of business, a membership of the planned Palace Club and a dividend in the medium term are the practical advantages of this participation.
Option 2
as a co-investor
with a stake of at least CHF 300 000 in the form shared capital (60%) and a loan (40%) in the investment company. Together with 10 other co-investors, you belong to the inner circle and are always informed first-hand about the course of business. If the planned business plan can be implemented, interest and dividends should be paid and loans can be amortized in the medium term. The co-investor is a VIP guest of the hotel and enjoys booking priority and discounts on room rates. They are also members of the planned Palace Club.
Option 3
as buyer of an apartment with a “carefree package”
in the Dépendance (new building), purchase price approx. 1 million preferably in combination with the participation as co-investor.
The last two apartments can be sold as normal second homes without any official requirements. The hotel offers a “carefree package”, which relieves the owner of anything that could interfere with the enjoyment of the vacation.
The service contract includes the assumption of the costs for hotel-compatible, uniform furnishings, a flat rate for utilities (heating, electricity, water), the use of the hotel infrastructure (e.g. spa) during the stay, all administrative work in connection with the condominium ownership. The owner makes his apartment available to the hotel for rent to hotel guests during unused periods and receives compensation for this.
You are a VIP guest of the hotel and also receive membership of the planned Palace Club.
If you are interested,
click here for the right contact:
Thank you for your solidarity!
Apartment Sale:
Baruzzo Architekten & Immobilien
+41 62 923 31 51